Online Scrabble. Lets Play a Game.

This website was created to fill the demand of a easy, no-frills and modern way to play Scrabble (+other) board games with friends and family.

We have tried to recreate the experience of in-person Scrabble as much as possible. We suggest playing whilst on a Zoom/Skype/WhatsApp/etc. video call for the best social experience.

Our service allows you to play with up to four players in any of the game types.

standard scrabble board

Easy Controls. See For Yourself.

Our easy-to-use 'drag and drop' (or 'tap and tap' for mobile/tablet) interface is quick to pick up and get playing.

The controls include recalling, shuffling and exchanging tiles and skipping your turn.

For when things go wrong there is a quick 'undo turn' button and also the ability to challenge a players turn.

easy scrabble controls

And lastly, this one. Play How You Like.

People play in different ways with their own rules. When you create a game you decide the rules.

Currently we do not have any dictionary validation and it is up to the players to decide those rules. When we do add them it will still be completely optional!

When creating a game you can decide on aspects such as if players can see remaining tiles, when they can see them and the outcomes of challenges.

scrabble game options

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